Quantum-π’s dynamic NEMS sensors pictured here
are designed to be 20 micrometers across,
so they will be less than 1/4th of a diameter of human hair.
Quantum-π resides in Singapore. The original company was founded in September 1999 by Dr Marek Michalewicz in Melbourne, Australia and was subsequently relocated to and domiciled in Singapore in 2004.

Quantum-π has been financed by a small group of private investors and one investment company - the London based Imprimatur Capital Limited. Quantum-π received two grants in Australia and four in Singapore. It owns five nanotechnology patents in four family groups with very wide geographical coverage.

Early years were devoted to creation and protection of the company’s proprietary Patent Portfolio, exploration of technology and feasibility studies of fabrication processes and product technology.

In 2003 the first batch of test devices was fabricated using state-of-the-art GaAs technology at Cambridge University, UK. The same year our first technology platform patent was granted in the USA with no objections.

A fully owned subsidiary, Quantum Precision Instruments Inc., was incorporated in the USA in 2004 with a goal to market the technology in the USA, and depending on the needs – take a lead role in developing specialized products for select markets (e.g. defence).

The company’s main office is close to the Central Business District of Singapore.

The prime application areas of Quantum-π’s positional metrology devices are for the new generation of chips below 24 nanometer feature size. Quantum-π’s nanoTrek® devices belong to a totally new class of nanotechnology based electro-mechanical systems capable of extremely precise measurement of translations, angular alignment, accelerations, and vibrations as well as several other quantities.

Currently most R&D effort takes place in Singapore, our devices are fabricated in Silicon technology and several devices are being tested and appraised by a number of companies in Europe and the USA. Two companies have recently independently tested and validated the devices and the underlying science.

©2004-2010 Quantum Precision Instruments Asia Private Limited – All rights reserved